Friday, November 19, 2010

Who do I thank on Thanksgiving?

I thank my parents who taught me to think and value education even when those qualities lead me places I don't know they would agree with.

I thank my brother and sisters for loving me and being there when I need them even though time and miles keep us apart most of the time.

I thank my beautiful, loving wife of nearly twenty-three years who accepts me for who I am and showers me with more unconditional love than any man or woman has a right to expect.

I thank all four of my children for taking the best parts of what they learned from me to heart while being kind and forgiving enough to pretend the rest never happened.

I thank my friends who put up with my eccentricities and (hopefully only occasional) pomposity with a smile.

I thank my students who keep me forever on my guard and challenge me to come up with new and better ways to help them become rational, knowledge-loving citizens of the world.

I thank my dog for pure, unadulterated affection that requires nothing save that it be returned in kind.

I'm thankful to my employers, who even in these trying times are doing their level best to help all the other teachers her and me to prepare our students for the world that will greet them far more quickly than they expect.
A pack of blessings lights up upon thy back;
Happiness courts thee in her best array;
-William Shakespeare
I won the cosmic lottery and am grateful for it.  With all that I have been given, I cannot ask for much else, save that I hope for the same for my friends and family, and hope that you are as fortunate to have as many things to be thankful for this season.

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